Case updates
Sep 14, 2023
On September 12, 2023, the BC Court of Appeal released its reasons for judgment in Weisstock v. Weisstock, 2023 BCCA 352. The firm prevailed in the appeal for its client, upholding the BC Supreme Court’s order to liquidate a large Okanagan land-holding company.
This decision provides an extensive analysis of the “partnership analogy” category for winding up a private corporation under section 324 of the Business Corporations Act, SBC 2002 c. 57. The partnership analogy permits the court, in certain circumstances, to borrow from the law governing partnerships in order to provide relief to a disgruntled minority shareholder in a corporation. This decision provides appellate-level analysis of the partnership analogy which has been lacking in our province to date.
Yarden Gershony and Lauren Nykolaychuk appeared as counsel in the matter.
Read more about the decision on Law360 Canada –
“B.C. Court of Appeal upholds liquidation of $70M family real estate firm amid breakdown of trust“.